Living in New York for Eight Months
I am fortunate to have received the opportunity of spending 8 months in New York City! I spent a summer here (May - August 2017), and a winter term (January - April 2018) in the upper east side of Manhattan. The experience was fantastic, and this post will be reserved to showing some interesting pictures.
Up the One World Trade Center
One of the tallest buildings in the world
Governer’s Island
Here is the fanstatic view of Jersey City and Lower Manhattan
Yankee’s Stadium
Of course, we got sent to a Toronto vs New York game :)
Empire State
Hudson Mountain Range (Breakneck Ridge)
Challenging hike with lots of very steep rocks, but was fun
Located in west Manhattan, it was one of my favourite attractions
You get to go inside the ship, at the hangar, and also a submarine
Brooklyn Bridge
American Museum of Natural History
You can get some very scenic shots here, and they have some cool exhibits
The Metropolitan
This takes many hours to propertly iterate, I visited at least 4 times (I think)
Corporate housing, anyone?
The building looks nice, but that’s all I can understand
Statue of Liberty
I didn’t actually go inside, unfortunately
Brooklyn Museum
Very nice location around prospect park
Brooklyn Botanical Garden
My favourite part was the Japanese Bonsai
Broadway Show
Volunteering Event - Building Bikes
Had a couple interns building a few hundred bikes in a day :)
Bronx Zoo
The zoo was rather large, with quite some variety in animals
New York City Museum
They included an older Bloomberg Terminal :)
Blizzard / Snow Day
Right outside my office, nearly nobody showed up to work
Office Views
View from 731 Lex Pantry (29th Floor)
View from 731 Lex (My Floor / 20th Floor)
View from 120 Park Upper Balcony
This is 3rd avenue, the street behind the building where I lived