The following are a series of smaller projects that I have worked on. Feel free to check out games, utilities, websites and mobile apps. Feel free to explore my really old website that I made in elementary school (I was 11 years old) here .
This is the game window. The yellow balls are from one player, red from another.
Simple game created with the Turing programming language. This multiplayer game involves two players alternating dropping balls in a grid, with the objective being to drop a formation of 4 balls either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
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The following is a graphics project with Java! The graphics are drawn with over 1000 point polygons, which were created by extracting points along countours in AutoCAD and then converting the points to code.
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This is a sample scene. All graphics are done manually by hand (including points, gradients and RGB values).
This is a sample game with the darker red theme. There is the ability to pause/stop the game, and there is a score counter at the top.
Simple two player game that involves a ball bouncing in 2D space, with the objective being to hit the ball each time it goes towards you. The game is made in Visual Basic.
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This game is a standard game of Monopoly. It is made in Turing, and follows the rules of the normal game.
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This is the main board, with buttons shown above to view the map or auction. This is the two player mode.
This is an essay created by the program, watch the video here.
This program randomly generates essays of any length. It uses a preset array of parts of sentences and recursion to randomly generate combinations resulting in comprehensible sentences. It is developed in C++.
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Various different robots including maze solving robots and SumoBots (fighting robots) coded with Arduino and Scratch. Feel free to look at the code on GitHub.
Features included in the robots:
This is the circuit of a maze solving robot. Watch the video here.
Featuring a traditional address book program that allows a user to store records of people and their information.
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This is a screenshot of the AddressBook.
While President of the William Lyon Mackenzie CI's Computer Programming Team, I created a website to manage team resources and post relevant links. Click here.
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Simple website created for students to register on math contests. The website has been used over 500 times in the 2015/2016 to register for various contests.
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Feel free to view the website here.
Feel free to view the GitHub repository here.
This Android app, developed in Android studio, creates simple fractles.
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